Dikka- the earthen pots of Meghalaya's Garo Community is the 2nd Exhibit of the Week for June

SHILLONG: 16th June 2022 (PTI Source)

The second "Exhibit of the Week" is Dikka, an earthen pot for fermenting rice beer from Meghalaya, on IGRMS and Bhopal's official websites and social media sites.

The Garo Community has recorded the height and circumference of this exhibit, which measures 45cm and 90cm in diameter.

According to the Director of IGRMS, Praveen K Mishra, Dikka is an earthen vessel for fermenting rice beer. This earthen-made pot comes from the indigenous Garo tribes of Meghalaya and features a rough texture with a spherical body shape, a curved rim and a concave neck.

It also has an interesting feature in that it cannot stand up and erect on its own, so a wood ring is included at the bottom to aid in this. The outer surface of the pot is covered with bark rope and an earthen body, which are then linked and woven together. During rituals and ceremonies, Mishra explained, it is used to ferment rice beer.

Visitors can see this object at (https://igrms.com/wordpress/?page_id=8713) and (https://www.facebook.com/NationalMuseumMankind), as well as at the Twitter and Instagram pages of IGRMS.