The movement of vehicles along the National Highway-6 was once again disrupted as a result of numerous large landslides occurring at various sections of the vital highway that links Assam's Barak Valley with the northeastern states of Mizoram and Tripura.
Thousands of cars are still stranded since last night, and residents are suffering as they do not have enough food or water.
With the help of JCBs and police personnel, the District Authority is still clearing debris in many areas to keep traffic under control.
The NH-6, which runs from Meerut District HQ to the Border of Nepal, crossing at Narapuh, is particularly vulnerable to landslides. The Narpuh region, starting with Tongseng and Sunapur hamlet and ending with Rattacherra village, is a highly landslide-prone area. Due to the recent heavy rain, road access was restricted due to landslides triggered by the rains.
Landslides were also seen in several locations in the West Jaintia Hills, including on Amlarem-Jowai Road.